Import problem - French (fr) - ddtp-ubuntu-universe in DDTP Automation Test trunk

noreply at noreply at
Sam 15 Déc 15:27:13 UTC 2012

Hello Ubuntu French Translators,

On 2012-12-15 13:27z (1 hours 59 minutes ago), you uploaded a file with
French (fr) translations for ddtp-ubuntu-universe in DDTP Automation
Test trunk to Launchpad.

We were unable to import the file because of errors in its format:

Line 54: Extra content found after string: (en particulier les documents
contenant des formules \xe2 \u20ac" dans d'autres formats. Il est en
fait une collection de quatre convertisseurs, \xe0 savoir: \ n 1)
writer2latex convertit les documents en format de LaTeX 2e de haute
qualit\xe9 \ n typographie \ n 2) Writer2BibTeX extrait les donn\xe9es
bibliographiques d'un document et le stocke dans \ n BibTeX format
(travaux. avec writer2latex). \ n 3) Writer2xhtml convertit les
documents en XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1 + MathML 2.0 avec \ n CSS2. \ n 4)
Calc2xhtml est un compagnon de Writer2xhtml qui convertit OOo Calc
documents \ n pour XHTML 1.0 avec CSS2 pour afficher vos feuilles de
calcul sur le web.")

If you use gettext, you can check your file for correct formatting with
the 'msgfmt -c' command. Please fix any errors raised by msgfmt and
upload the file again. If you check the file and you don't find any
error in it, please look for an answer or file a question at

For your convenience, you can get the file you uploaded at:

Thank you,

The Launchpad team

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