Fwd: Call for hardy translations
Bruno Patri
bruno.patri at gmail.com
Mar 25 Mar 18:48:58 UTC 2008
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Subject/Sujet: Call for hardy translations
Date: mardi 25 mars 2008
From/De: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at canonical.com>
To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
Dear friends,
With the Hardy beta release out, it's time for us to have a look at the
translation status for Ubuntu 8.04.
Spanish and French are in the lead as usual, according to
<https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+translations>, with 97%
and 90% translated, respectively; with each of British English, Swedish,
Brazilian Portuguese, and German at above 80% translated, and 29 languages
in all at 50% or more translated.
But we would love to have more complete translations for the release, so
this is a call for Hardy translations.
The deadline for non-language pack translations (such as for the installer,
Firefox, and debconf templates) is coming up on April 10, with the deadline
for language pack translations a week later on April 17. The full timeline
for the Hardy release can be found at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule for your reference.
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