Fwd: gnome-user-docs translateable

Bruno Patri bruno.patri at gmail.com
Ven 21 Mar 06:51:35 UTC 2008

----------  Forwarded Message/Message retransmis  ----------

Subject/Sujet: gnome-user-docs translateable
Date: Thursday 20 mars 2008
From/De: "Matthew East" <mdke at ubuntu.com>
To: "Ubuntu translators" <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>

Hi there,

You can now translate gnome-user-docs in Rosetta at the following url.


These templates provide two documents which appear prominently in
Ubuntu help: the Gnome User Guide and Gnome Accessibility Guide.
Upstream translations have been imported and as usual where
translating the templates it is best to collaborate closely with
upstream, or work directly there.

As with ubuntu-docs it is absolutely vital to carefully read and
follow the instructions for translating documentation at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation. Failure to do
so may result in a broken help page for your language.


Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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