[Fwd: Translation of firefox start page]

Robert-André Mauchin zebob.m at pengzone.org
Sam 15 Mar 10:12:31 UTC 2008

En parlant de cette page de démarrage, on a un gros « Les logiciels
devraient être gratuits ». AMHA on devrait trouvé « libres » à cette


-------- Message transféré --------
De: Matthew East <mdke at ubuntu.com>
À: Ubuntu translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sujet: Translation of firefox start page
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:53:24 +0000

This bug describes some errors which Dell have said affect the
Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Chinese translations of the
firefox start page.


If the relevant teams (and other teams) could have a look at the
current firefox homepages for their language and make whatever
improvements are necessary: feel free to localise links as well as the
text so that they point at the relevant page on your local team's

If you don't run hardy, the relevant files can be found here -


Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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