Me da error Firefox 39 En Ubuntu 12-04

Dep. Informatica - Ayto. Carmona info2 en
Mie Jun 17 12:18:01 UTC 2015

Hola me da error a la hora de abrir firefox version 39 en ubuntu 12.04 
se abre pongo cualquier pagina o busco en google se me cierra dandome 
este error:

BuildID: 20150603092409
CrashTime: 1434542790
EMCheckCompatibility: true
FramePoisonBase: 00000000f0dea000
FramePoisonSize: 4096
InstallTime: 1433753155
Notes: OpenGL: NVIDIA Corporation -- GeForce FX 5500/AGP/SSE2 -- 2.1.2 
NVIDIA 173.14.39 -- texture_from_pixmap

ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
ProductName: Firefox
ReleaseChannel: beta
SecondsSinceLastCrash: 113
StartupTime: 1434542715
Theme: classic/1.0
Throttleable: 1
Vendor: Mozilla
Version: 39.0
useragent_locale: chrome://global/locale/

This report also contains technical information about the state of the 
application when it crashed.

Un saludo.
Ayuntamiento de Carmona - Informatica


Antonio Baeza Bravo

Departamento de Informática


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