[OT] dudas con python

Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus aradnix en gmail.com
Lun Jun 16 18:35:52 UTC 2014


Estaba haciendo unos scripts el otro día con python3 y al querer usar el
modulo turtle para un ejemplo tuve errores al ejecutarlo.

Mi primer idea fue que no tenía instalado bien el modulo o algo por lo que
no podía ejecutar correctamente el script en cuestión que es el siguiente:

# centipede.py

from turtle import *

def centipede(length, step, life):
    theta = 0
    dtheta = 1
    for i in range(life):
        theta += dtheta
        if i > length:
        if theta > 10 or theta < -10:
            dtheta = -dtheta
        if ycor() > 350:

def main():
    setworldcoordinates(-400, -400, 400, 400)
    centipede(14, 10, 200)


Al ejecutar dicho script con python3 obtengo el siguiente error:

aradnix en Melania-V5-131:~/Documentos/Python 3$ python3 centipede.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/tkinter/__init__.py", line 39, in <module>
    import _tkinter
ImportError: No module named '_tkinter'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "centipede.py", line 3, in <module>
    from turtle import *
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/turtle.py", line 107, in <module>
    import tkinter as TK
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/tkinter/__init__.py", line 41, in <module>
    raise ImportError(str(msg) + ', please install the python3-tk package')
ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk
aradnix en Melania-V5-131:~/Documentos/Python 3$

Entonces pensé en buscar los módulos instalados en mi sistema, que es 14.04
LTS, busqué como ver eso, encontré aquí:
y al ejecutar en terminal pydoc modules como recomienda obtuve lo siguiente:

aradnix en Melania-V5-131:~$ pydoc modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart', you will not be able to use it

Original traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/relatorio/templates/__init__.py",
line 32, in <module>
    __import__('relatorio.templates.%s' % name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/relatorio/templates/chart.py",
line 28, in <module>
    import yaml
ImportError: No module named yaml

/usr/lib/python2.7/pkgutil.py:110: DeprecationWarning: The wxPython
compatibility package is no longer automatically generated or actively
maintained.  Please switch to the wx package as soon as possible.
ANSI                argparse            ihooks              scanext
BaseHTTPServer      array               imaplib             sched
Bastion             ast                 imghdr              scipy
BeautifulSoup       asynchat            imp                 scour
BeautifulSoupTests  asyncore            importlib           screen
CDROM               atexit              imputil             screenlets
CGIHTTPServer       atk                 indicator_keyboard  select
Canvas              audiodev            inspect             serial
CommandNotFound     audioop             invest              sessioninstaller
ConfigParser        autoreload          io                  sets
Cookie              axi                 itertools           sgmllib
Crypto              base64              jinja2              sha
DLFCN               bdb                 joblib              shelve
Dialog              binascii            json                shlex
DocXMLRPCServer     binhex              keyword             shutil
FSM                 bisect              ldap                signal
FileDialog          blueman             ldapurl             simplegeneric
FixTk               bonobo              ldb                 simplejson
GMenuSimpleEditor   bookletimposer      ldif                sip
HTMLParser          bs4                 lib2to3             sipconfig
IN                  bsddb               libturpial          sipconfig_nd
IPython             bz2                 libxml2             site
Image               cPickle             libxml2mod          sitecustomize
ImageChops          cProfile            linecache           six
ImageColor          cStringIO           linuxaudiodev       smbc
ImageCrackCode      cairo               locale              smtpd
ImageDraw           calendar            lockfile            smtplib
ImageEnhance        ccm                 logging             sndhdr
ImageFile           cgi                 lsb_release         socket
ImageFileIO         cgitb               lxml
ImageFilter         chardet             macpath             sortsmill
ImageFont           chunk               macurl2path         spwd
ImageGL             cmath               mailbox             sql
ImageGrab           cmd                 mailcap             sqlite3
ImageMath           code                markupbase          sre
ImageOps            codecs              markupsafe          sre_compile
ImagePalette        codeop              marshal             sre_constants
ImagePath           collections         math                sre_parse
ImageQt             colorsys            matplotlib          ssl
ImageSequence       commands            md5                 stat
ImageStat           compileall          mhlib               statsmodels
ImageTk             compiler            mimetools           statvfs
ImageWin            compizconfig        mimetypes           storemagic
Levenshtein         contextlib          mimify              string
MimeWriter          cookielib           mmap                stringold
MySQLdb             copy                modulefinder        stringprep
ORBit               copy_reg            mpl_toolkits        strop
OpenSSL             crypt               multifile           struct
PAM                 csv                 multiprocessing     subprocess
PIL                 ctypes              mutex               suds
PSDraw              cups                mx                  sunau
PngImagePlugin      cupsext             neso                sunaudio
PyQt4               cupshelpers         netrc               svg_regex
Queue               curl                new                 svg_transform
ScrolledText        curses              nis                 symbol
SimpleDialog        cvxopt              nntplib             sympy
SimpleHTTPServer    cythonmagic         nose                sympyprinting
SimpleXMLRPCServer  datetime            ntdb                symtable
SocketServer        dateutil            ntpath              sys
StringIO            dbhash              nturl2path          sysconfig
TYPES               dbm                 numbers             syslog
Tix                 dbus                numexpr             tables
Tkconstants         deb822              numpy               tabnanny
Tkdnd               debconf             oauth               talloc
Tkinter             debian              oauthlib            tarfile
UbuntuSystemService debian_bundle       octavemagic         tdb
UserDict            debtagshw           oneconf             telnetlib
UserList            decimal             opcode              tempfile
UserString          decorator           openpyxl            termios
_LWPCookieJar       defer               operator            test
_MozillaCookieJar   difflib             optparse            textwrap
__builtin__         dircache            os                  this
__future__          dirspec             os2emxpath          thread
_abcoll             dis                 ossaudiodev         threading
_ast                distutils           pandas              tidy
_bisect             doctest             pango               time
_blueman            dot_parser          pangocairo          timeit
_bsddb              drv_libxml2         parallelmagic       tkColorChooser
_codecs             dsextras            parser              tkCommonDialog
_codecs_cn          dsml                patsy               tkFileDialog
_codecs_hk          dumbdbm             pcardext            tkFont
_codecs_iso2022     dummy_thread        pdb                 tkMessageBox
_codecs_jp          dummy_threading     pdfimposer          tkSimpleDialog
_codecs_kr          duplicity           pexpect             toaiff
_codecs_tw          email               pickle              token
_collections        encodings           pickletools         tokenize
_csv                errno               pipes               tornado
_ctypes             exceptions          piston_mini_client  trace
_ctypes_test        fcntl               pkg_resources       traceback
_curses             fdpexpect           pkgutil             tryton
_curses_panel       feedparser          platform            trytond
_dbus_bindings      filecmp             plistlib            ttk
_dbus_glib_bindings fileinput           polib               tty
_elementtree        fnmatch             popen2              turpial
_functools          fontforge           poplib              turtle
_hashlib            formatter           posix               twisted
_heapq              fpectl              posixfile           types
_hotshot            fpformat            posixpath           ubuntu_sso
_io                 fractions           pprint              unicodedata
_json               ftplib              profile             uniconvertor
_ldap               functools           psMat               unittest
_locale             future_builtins     pstats              urllib
_lsprof             gc                  psycopg2            urllib2
_md5                gconf               pty                 urllib3
_multibytecodec     gdbm                pwd                 urlparse
_multiprocessing    genericpath         pxssh               user
_mysql              genshi              pyPdf               uu
_mysql_exceptions   getopt              py_compile          uuid
_osx_support        getpass             pyclbr              vatnumber
_pyio               gettext             pycurl              vobject
_random             gi                  pydoc               warnings
_sha                gio                 pydoc_data          wave
_sha256             glib                pydot               weakref
_sha512             glob                pyexpat             webbrowser
_smbc               gmenu               pygst               webkit
_socket             gnome               pygtk               whichdb
_sqlite3            gnomecanvas         pygtkcompat         winpdb
_sre                gnomekeyring        pylab               wnck
_ssl                gnomevfs            pynotify            wsgiref
_strptime           gobject             pyparsing           wx
_struct             gpgme               pytz                wxPython
_symtable           grp                 pywebdav            wxversion
_sysconfigdata      gst                 quopri              xapian
_sysconfigdata_nd   gstoption           random              xdg
_testcapi           gtk                 re                  xdiagnose
_threading_local    gtkunixprint        readline            xdrlib
_tkinter            gtweak              relatorio           xlrd
_warnings           gzip                reportlab           xlwt
_weakref            hashlib             repr                xml
_weakrefset         heapq               requests            xmllib
abc                 hmac                resource            xmlrpclib
aifc                hotshot             rexec               xxsubtype
antigravity         hpmudext            rfc822              yocto_css
antlr               html5lib            rlcompleter         zeitgeist
anydbm              htmlentitydefs      rmagic              zipfile
apt                 htmllib             robotparser         zipimport
apt_inst            httplib             rpdb2               zlib
apt_pkg             httplib2            rsvg                zmq
aptdaemon           ibus                runpy               zope
aptsources          idlelib             samba

Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".

Donde aparece el modulo que usé: turtle, por lo que el error no parece ser
la falta del módulo, pero parece ser que faltan otros ya que hay unas
advertencias (warnings) que supongo no deben ignorarse pero no sé a que
aludan o como se resuelvan ¿alguien sabe cómo?

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