Fallo de Software-Center
ubuntu.lista en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 20 12:36:24 UTC 2013
El dom, 19-05-2013 a las 22:56 +0200, Carlos Ribes escribió:
> Después de muchos y diferentes intentos(incluída la reinstalación de
> Ubuntu 13.04) he obtenido un mensje que copio a continuación.
> Curiosamente este problema no se produce iniciando sesión como
> "invitado".
> WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:The file:
> '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/sonic-visualiser:x-sonicvisualiser-layer.desktop' could not be read correctly. The application associated with this file will not be included in the software catalog. Please consider raising a bug report for this issue with the maintainer of that application
> WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:The file:
> '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/workrave:workrave.desktop' could not
> be read correctly. The application associated with this file will not
> be included in the software catalog. Please consider raising a bug
> report for this issue with the maintainer of that application
> Software catalog update was successful.
> Gracias por su generosa contribución a la implantación de Ubuntu y el
> software libre. Un saludo cordial.
> Cribes
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Un saludo.
Ubuntu 12.04
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