[Fwd: Re: squish]

administrador en eccmg.cupet.cu administrador en eccmg.cupet.cu
Sab Feb 7 16:17:42 GMT 2009

esto fue lo que hice, que tengo mal

# This file contains data formatted as follows:
# Blank lines and hashed stuff is for comments
# user  amount/period
#	bandwidth: 999[kmG]b  / period: day, week, month
#	time: 999[smh]        / period: day, week, month
# Whitelist entries - they can have as much as they like
 #192\.168\.99\.44		25h/day
 #192\.168\.97\.43		25h/day
# Poor guy:
#andrewm		2h/day	4Mb/day    10Mb/week
# Catchall -- people and IP's not matched by the above rules
#.*		4h/day  20Mb/day   20h/week	100Mb/week

israel 1Mb/day
test   0Mb/day
justa  1Mb/day

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