Bootsplash sin kernel pathc
Cristian Molina
megatux en
Mar Jun 14 15:00:27 CDT 2005
Los links me estan dando error 404, es tuyo el hosting? Conoces algun mirror?
Porque me gustaria probarlo.
> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 21:44:18 -0500
> From: Camilo Lopez <camilol en>
> Subject: Bootsplash sin kernel pathc
> Hoal a todos acabo de leer en barraputo acerca de un nuevo proyecto
> llamda splashy para mostrar un bootsplash (imagne que se meustra
> mientras el pc arranca) sin tocar el kernel
> aca esta el link
> lo acabo de probar con kubuntu(Hoary) y funcipono perfectamente, hay que
> tenre en cunta loque dice el web:
> *For ubuntu hoary/warty*:
> * download Splashy
> <> (/,
> then download the libraries: libdirectfb-0.9-22
> <> (/
> and lib++dfb-0.9-22
> <> (/
> You have downloaded 3 packages now.
> * put them in a directory and do: sudo dpkg -i *.deb
> Next time you boot (or shutdown) the computer you will see a nice splash
> screen.
> nb: in some cases Splashy will start to work after the second or third
> reboot, it's normal, don't worry.
> buneo ojala les funcione tan bien como a mi .. ;) yque lo disfruten.
.^. In an open world, who needs windows or gates?
/V\ Cristian Molina
// \\ GNU/Linux User #73047
/( _ )\ BsAs-Argentina
^^ ^^ ---------------------------------------------
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