<div dir="ltr">Hi guys,<br><br>Please find the email I sent to the loco-contacts mailing list below. Please read it and see if I meant to offend anyone. It was not personal in anyway. Also, please tell me if I was just asking for ownership for no reason and don't forget that I could have just asked for it 2 years ago if I wanted it.<br>
Karim had no reason to send a reply to the loco-contacts and scandalize us in this way. The loco-contacts in not even concerned with what happens inside a certain LoCo. It's meant for communication between LoCo contacts and that's it!<br>
<br>I personally apologize for causing so much noise although I didn't do anything wrong and I have to ask Karim Fayez and Ahmed Shams to do the same.<br><br>About that IRC meeting. Please someone write the agenda as I don't see much to discuss in this meeting.<br>
<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Hi everyone,<br><br>We were doing some polishing in our LoCo lately and an issue was raised as shown in this thread<br>
<a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-eg/2011-September/003791.html" target="_blank">https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-eg/2011-September/003791.html</a><br>
<br>The problem is that the group owner has disappeared and members feel it's a little strange to have<br>him as owner while he is not there to administer anything.<br><br>I wanted to know if there are any more privileges for a team owner than the normal admin. Is it ok<br>
to keep the current owner even if he wasn't active ? <br><br>If we need to change the owner, please tell me how to make myself the owner as I was nominated <br>by the team members(also in the aforementioned thread).<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><font color="#888888">Ahmed Toulan.<br></font>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Ahmed Toulan.<br>