[Ubuntu-eg] call for java delopers volunteers for jdc event

Anas Emad anas.emad at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 06:48:07 UTC 2013

Thanks everyone

Ahmed Sultan :  March 8 at 9:00am until March 9 at 8:00pm

Mahmoud ibrahim and Sultan waiting your confirmed

Good point Mahdy

Now  volunteers are :

   - Mohamed El-Feky
   - Amr Mostafa
   - Khaled Alaa

Waiting confirmation from:

   - Mahmoud ibrahim
   - Ahmed Sultan
   - Mahmoud dawreash

أنس عماد الدين
فريق قفير

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:54 PM, AMahdy AbdElAziz <amahdy7 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Just to explain myself - am not signing up because I have other stuff to
> do at JDC isA. Will gladly help with anything though.
> One more thing just thought about it right now, those developers need to
> know that web server support is much better on Linux, like Tomcat, Apcahe,
> ...etc (except IIS which has a mono workaroud) same for databases except
> MS-SQL ...etc, tools, IDEs, profiling, and much more! Nobody there will
> need VS for obvious reasons :-)
> --
> AMahdy AbdElAziz
> http://www.AMahdy.net
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:49 PM, AMahdy AbdElAziz <amahdy7 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> They don't know that it's that simple, I encourage you guys to go and
>> tell them this small one sentence about how simple and seamlessly (if not
>> better) to convert :-)
>> --
>> AMahdy AbdElAziz
>> http://www.AMahdy.net
>> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Revenant Anon <elfeky.m at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Confirmed ..,
>>> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Anas Emad <anas.emad at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> :D
>>>> thanks Ahmed for your point
>>>> 1- we meet there most of Java Developers from egypt
>>>> 2- Developers want to talk to developers not to business or marketing
>>>> people
>>>> want to who's answer their questions about alternatives , they prefered
>>>> to know answers from developers (who's already write code on ubuntu, open
>>>> source IDEs, Editors,open source apps, SVN, .... etc  )
>>>> our *plan B* if there isn't any Java developer offer to attend, >> we
>>>> will search for Developers
>>>> *Plan C* : Ubuntu user .. but it's plan c
>>>> it's Clear now  ?
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> أنس عماد الدين
>>>> فريق قفير
>>>> http://www.qafeer.com
>>>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Amr Mostafa <
>>>> amr.mostafa.zaki at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>  I can do it :)
>>>>> On 02/17/2013 11:26 PM, Mahmoud Ibrahem wrote:
>>>>> as ahmed said there is no difference except for how to setup the IDEs
>>>>> and tomcat if they are gonna use it for JSP , but anyway when this event
>>>>> will be .. i think i could be there if its time suits me isA. :)
>>>>> On 17 February 2013 22:53, ahmed sultan <jeffsort84g at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> There is nothing to explain in linux java it's simply same as on
>>>>>> windows as we use the same IDEs with the same options netbeans and eclipse
>>>>>>  On Feb 17, 2013 10:31 PM, "Anas Emad" <anas.emad at ubuntu-eg.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Dear/ Ubuntu Eg Members
>>>>>>>  we planning to join JDC as Community Partner and we need Jave
>>>>>>> developers (ubuntu users ) for
>>>>>>> - represent ubuntu loco team there
>>>>>>> - answer Developers questions about Java IDEs on ubuntu ... etc
>>>>>>>  JDC 2012: Abdallah Hodieb, Mohamed Elfeky and others were
>>>>>>> represent our team there very good
>>>>>>>  so who can volunteer this year ,
>>>>>>>  pleas contact me asap
>>>>>>>  --
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>>> --
>>> Regards..,
>>> Mohamed El-Feky
>>> Software Engineer
>>> 3D Diagnostix Inc.
>>> Mobile: +2-01000930986
>>> --
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