[Ubuntu-eg] Protect the Internet - SOPA and the ROTECT IP Act

Haitham El-Ghareeb helghareeb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 00:20:03 UTC 2012

On 01/19/2012 01:40 AM, Jonathan N. Hindi wrote:
> Hi Dears,
> How are you? I hope you are doing well.
> Probably, Some of you heard about that the congress is trying to pass 
> legislation that threatens free speech and innovation on the Internet, 
> under the banner of anti-piracy efforts.
> On January 24th, the U.S. Senate will vote on the PROTECT IP Act to 
> censor the Internet, despite opposition from the vast majority of 
> Americans.
> I think we need to take an action in the Arabic Technical Community to 
> help people know what are the cons for such voting, Because it will 
> not affect the U.S only, It will affect all the world openness and 
> availability of information on the Internet.
> Many of us "if not all of us" learned a lot from the internet, Guess 
> what all the information websites both inside and outside the US, 
> could be blocked based on a single infringement claim, without any due 
> process of law.
> A lot of major entities are acting against these laws now.
> /Wikipedia Says "After the blackout":/
>     For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the
>     largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S.
>     Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the
>     free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are
>     blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more. 
> Mozilla Says:
>     Today Mozilla joins with other sites in a virtual strike to
>     protest two proposed laws in the United States, called SOPA and
>     the PROTECT IP Act.
>     Join us to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity.
> Enough Talk, To take an action what I have to do?
> As a citizen of the world, you can help by:
>   * Sending this link <https://blacklists.eff.org/> to any American
>     friends you have
>   * Signing the EFF's petition
>     <http://americancensorship.org/modal/state-dept-petition> to the
>     U.S. State Department, which is open to non-US citizens.
>   * Send the EFF's petition
>     <http://americancensorship.org/modal/state-dept-petition> to your
>     friends.
>   * Use Social Media Facebook & Twitter to support the campaign.
>   * Find the protest badge and stamp it on your website.
>   * Use this twittbon <http://twibbon.com/join/Stop-SOPA-111611> on
>     your FB PP and Your Twitter PP.
> Don't be negative, Your voice always count.
> P.S: Sent to Ubuntu Egypt, Cairo GTUG & OpenEgypt.
> If anyone can translate it and resend it in Arabic, I will be grateful.
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> *Jonathan N. Hindi
> @JonathanHindi*
Thanks Jonathan for the post. It is really a catastrophic voting that we 
all hope it will pass safely.
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