[Ubuntu-eg] Fundraising

Karim Fayez karim.fayez at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 00:57:41 UTC 2011

Regarding the ubuntu event in alex I can help with that as I have
connections through CORD in thee university. If they needed anything I guess
we can do it.

Karim Fayez
sent via android
On Sep 11, 2011 11:04 PM, "Ahmed Toulan" <thelinuxer at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Processing Qbits <
processingqbits at gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> Assalamu Alaikum,
>> I've been away for a while now, I think I'm catching up, only 5 unread
>> ubuntu-eg mails :D
>> I think it's rather pointless to ask but, is there a way that I can
>> contribute easily (is there a way for people outside Cairo to
>> contribute easily?) The people are awesome, the meetings are awesome
>> and the events are awesome....the one thing that stinks is the
>> distance, you guys just change meeting appointments very frequently
>> that it isn't possible for someone who needs to reserve a train ticket
>> a few days before an event can do it....also, it's rather painful for
>> my wallet to keep reserving train tickets every week
> Dude you should have came to the UGJ, we arranged it 1 month before the
> actual event :)
>> So I guess the question is....is there a way to perhaps take the
>> "outsiders" in consideration?
>> Suggestions: more irc meetings, more detailed documentation of events
>> (and course materials and so forth), a limited perhaps 2 times a month
>> (major catch-up with the community meetings "with fixed timings")
> Wallahi it's in the plan, but every time we say we will do an IRC meeting
> something comes up and we change it into a physical meeting.
>> I don't know...I'm rather left out (not sure if anyone else feels the
>> same).
>> To summarize my problem with the community:
>> -Frequent meetings with little to no documentation (or at least it's
>> not enough to feel like I participated)
>> -Frequent meetings with frequent changes = impossible travel for people
>> like me
>> It is most suitable for people that are in or near Cairo, because you
>> guys can just go back home earlier if the meeting is canceled, I would
>> have to stay according to my train ticket, also it would be very
>> wasteful if a meeting is canceled or postponed, and some time
>> arrangements like "8pm" etc. are very suitable for you guys, but for
>> me, it means that I would either have to reserve a ticket back close
>> to midnight or next day...again, wasteful or painful are my choices
>> I feel left out, what is the solution?
> I guess you can start by joining our friends in Alex. Please contact
> Muhammad Zaian (Extend at tecmina.com). He told me they are trying to make
> an ubuntu event in Alex.
> We will put this into consideration, and we will try our best to solve
> problem.
> Best regards,
> Ahmed Toulan.
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