[Ubuntu-eg] Fundraising

Processing Qbits processingqbits at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 17:55:37 UTC 2011

Assalamu Alaikum,

I've been away for a while now, I think I'm catching up, only 5 unread
ubuntu-eg mails :D

I think it's rather pointless to ask but, is there a way that I can
contribute easily (is there a way for people outside Cairo to
contribute easily?) The people are awesome, the meetings are awesome
and the events are awesome....the one thing that stinks is the
distance, you guys just change meeting appointments very frequently
that it isn't possible for someone who needs to reserve a train ticket
a few days before an event can do it....also, it's rather painful for
my wallet to keep reserving train tickets every week

So I guess the question is....is there a way to perhaps take the
"outsiders" in consideration?

Suggestions: more irc meetings, more detailed documentation of events
(and course materials and so forth), a limited perhaps 2 times a month
(major catch-up with the community meetings "with fixed timings")

I don't know...I'm rather left out (not sure if anyone else feels the same).

To summarize my problem with the community:
-Frequent meetings with little to no documentation (or at least it's
not enough to feel like I participated)
-Frequent meetings with frequent changes = impossible travel for people like me
It is most suitable for people that are in or near Cairo, because you
guys can just go back home earlier if the meeting is canceled, I would
have to stay according to my train ticket, also it would be very
wasteful if a meeting is canceled or postponed, and some time
arrangements like "8pm" etc. are very suitable for you guys, but for
me, it means that I would either have to reserve a ticket back close
to midnight or next day...again, wasteful or painful are my choices

I feel left out, what is the solution?

On 9/9/11, Karim Fayez <karim.fayez at gmail.com> wrote:
> @Jonathan its my pleasure man. We need to discuss all the ideas and
> brainstorm for more and form a well established fundraising team.
> See u tomorrow isA
> Regards;
> Karim Fayez
> +20122202526
> sent via android
> On Sep 9, 2011 1:27 AM, "Jonathan N. Hindi" <jonathan.hindi at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> @Karim, Me and Anas Emad were thinking the same of the fundraising idea,
> it
>> will be nice from you if you are going to help us. After last Ubuntu Hour
>> and our team meeting the team decided that we are going to construct small
>> sub teams to work more professionally, So me and Anad Emad volunteered for
>> the marketing team, and we were thinking for some ideas. It will be great
> if
>> you would like to hear those ideas.
>> Actually, We didn't implement any of those ideas till now but we are
> willing
>> to do so in a matter of one month.
>> See you tomorrow at the meeting.
>> @Ahmed Toulan Dictatorya bas fi masl7tii besra7a :)
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> *Jonathan N. Hindi
>> *
>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Omar Mohamed <omarmohsenm at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> I have no problem attending tomorrow, I am very glad that all issues have
>>> been resolved :)
>>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Ahmed Shams <ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
>>>> @Karim: Maybe next time :P lol
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ahmed
>>>> --
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