The loco team's true purpose

Ahmed Toulan thelinuxer at
Tue Sep 6 16:05:41 UTC 2011

Hi Mohamed,

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Mohammad AbuShady <coalwater5 at>wrote:

> Before I start I want to point that I'm not trying to do any kind of
> offense our any thing,
None taken...

> but for quite some time I had no reason to join this loco team, and I
> didn't like it (the loco team), when I check the users list on the launch
> pad group I find that most user have done nothing before, some even haven't
> signed the code of conduct,
Not all 200+ members on the launchpad group actually participate. Mostly we
have 10-20 people active at a time, and from what I see it happens in other
LoCos too.

We do a lot of work on the ground, mostly education related. We are trying
to increase awareness of FOSS in Egypt based on the Ubuntu distribution.
Also, most of our support requests are made on our facebook page/group so we
are providing local support for users in Egypt.

Even if the team wasn't active, which is not true, u should have joined the
team. If there is room for improvement and you can help, then why not ?

> so I wasn't really exited about my country's loco team, not to mention that
> I was doing some bugs on the loco team project and found that the team is
> not approved, though apparently there was a plan to get approved since some
> time now (found that on some wiki page), but any way this isn't the issue I
> want to discuss though.
Actually approval is not that important, but we were considering applying
next meeting.

> So anyway, when I check the wiki pages, they all are trying to prepare
> translators and it seems it's it's sole purpose, what I want to say is that
> we have a lot of potential coders, why only encourage translations.
Can you please point to a link on the wiki ? Translation is not our sole
purpose. The simple rule is, if someone can do something let him do it.
People r not forced to do anything. Also development is not the main idea
behind a LoCo. Please check this page out . We try to do
what's in this list and more.

Nonetheless, that doesn't mean I disagree with having ubuntu developers on
the team. I myself am trying to get there, and I will help as much people as
I can along the way.

If I have any thing misunderstood please point it out for me, and remember
> that all I want is a better loco team, thanks.

See you in our next meeting(s) isA :)

Ahmed Toulan.
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