[Ubuntu-eg] طباعة كتاب أوبنتو ببساطة

Amahdy AbdElAziz amahdy7 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 21:29:50 UTC 2011

Again, this is my opinion, new technology now is much faster accessible from
Egypt and many people buy it. The number of people that bought a tablet
(ranging from iPad or Glaxy Tab to a small Hawawii) is increasing a lot, if
not, then people still relay more on a softcopy that could be printed
whenever they want to (or print a part of it, like the first chapter only,
then the second ...etc).

-- Amahdy AbdElAziz

2011/10/25 Mohammed Gamal <m.gamal005 at gmail.com>

> 2011/10/25 Amahdy AbdElAziz <amahdy7 at gmail.com>:
> > My opinion: very minority uses Paper Books currently, specially if you
> are
> > talking about a technical book! Kindle is now much powerful and much
> > cheaper, if not you have some money and got a tablet, never the less
> those
> > people who uses their laptops/PCs for reading (like me so far).
> > So having a hard copy is not a good decision to spend money in it
> nowadays
> > IMHO...
> >
> Dude, you're in Egypt not the USA. Do you realize how many people
> don't have a kindle? Do you realize how many more people don't even
> have broadband or intenet access altogether? We definitely need to
> have _both_ hard copies and soft copies.
> --
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