[Ubuntu-eg] Ubuntu Palestine LoCo Team

Ahmed Shams ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 20:06:14 UTC 2011

Salam All,

I'm very exited to announce that a new LoCo in being established in
Palestine (West Bank so far), the Admin is Hatem H. Zyoud and he's
very enthusiastic to get it up and running so soon.

As this team is under construction, it has many things to help with, like:
* Creating some graphics work for FB page, lp profile icons, etc...
* Hanging with other people on IRC channel, which had been recently
established. #ubuntu-ps.
 btw: you'll find some good ppl there, like *jussi* a 24/7 op, as it's
new channel, and the most important one *serfus* the Israeli LoCo
contact as they think the two teams can be one! :)
* Help others on their mailing list:
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ps and, on
* FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Palestine/280089982015156

True it's not much work, but existence is needed ;)
I though you would enjoy being part of this, Thanks.
lp profile: http://pad.lv/~ubuntu-ps


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