FW: Cairo ICT

ahmed adel ahmedalngm_e at hotmail.com
Thu May 26 22:02:38 UTC 2011

Thanks fixed solution team
we isA kolena n3mel aly ne2dr 3leh 

>>Ahmed Adel

Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 23:02:57 +0300
Subject: Re: Cairo ICT
From: anas.emad at gmail.com
To: ubuntu-eg at lists.ubuntu.com

thanks fixed solution team

thanks ubuntu eg team (Ubuntu hour Heroes )


please everyone have exams or can't come , you can help us, please tell everyone we are there , we are Cairo ict heroes,

copy CDs ubuntu , Spread ubuntu .... 

i promise i will work hard as i can to spread ubuntu to everyone in egypt ... so what about you ? ______________________________________________________________________________

Anas Emad 
Call me: 0144 27 49 47


4Chat : islamicboy_ at hotmail.com

         anas_emad1987 at yahoo.com
4Skype: anas.emad

2011/5/26 Islam Hassan <eng.islam_hassan at hotmail.com>

When are we going to meet tomorrow, I'll pray at Aal-Rashdan then head to the conference. 		 	   		  


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