FW: Cairo ICT

ahmed adel ahmedalngm_e at hotmail.com
Tue May 17 10:44:52 UTC 2011

Nice ideas but the most important thing that we meet for the distribution of tasks to team.

>>Ahmed Adel
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 12:43:22 +0300
Subject: Re: Cairo ICT
From: anas.emad at gmail.com
To: ubuntu-eg at lists.ubuntu.com

my t-shirt is medium Days: Thu, Fri 
i think we need this list:
Ubuntu CDsRegistration formStickers
Papers (about GNU - ubuntu - foss) like our papers in Sakia el-sawyLove Wall or Board ( لوحة او بورد للناس مرسوم عليه قلب في النص و لوجو اوبنتو بس و كل واحد يكتب جملة حب في أوبنتو او يرسل رسالة لأوبنتو )
ballons (color: orang .. ubuntu colors)May be we need a Tux toys (if we can find it) Ubuntu Business Card and Ahmed  Toulan ubuntu Business Card for other GM there.* everyone here should remember our goals, our mission our events, our statics and our Achievements to speak to our visitors there about it 

can we have a meeting Tuesday or Monday for preparing   i think we should tell all our volunteer that we will be there, fb, twitter, here, fourms, 
btw Thanks from heart to Mahmoud tawfik and ahmed tohamy and all Fixed solutions team for their efforts

Anas Emad 
Call me: 0144 27 49 47


4Chat : islamicboy_ at hotmail.com
         anas_emad1987 at yahoo.com

4Skype: anas.emad

2011/5/17 Mohammed Gamal <m.gamal005 at gmail.com>

My T-Shirt size is XXL

2011/5/17 Ahmed Toulan <thelinuxer at ubuntu.com>

Still need to know the T-Shirt sizes for:
1. Mohamed Gamal
2. Islam Hassan
3. Mohamed Zaian
4. Ahmed Refaat
5. Anas Emad

Still need to know which days u'll come:
1. Anas Emad

2. Islam Elwazery

@Samar, if u consider ur self part of the team and will wear the T-Shirt during the event, even if u'll not be in our booth, then it won't be a problem :)

Best regards,
Ahmed Toulan.

2011/5/17 Mahmoud Tantawy <mt_007 at hotmail.com>

@Ahmed Toulan
Day: Thursday 26th isAT-Shirt size: XLagain, i have invitation code already
bs ya ret lw more info about e7na hn3ml eh wlkalam da, also, i didn't anyone of you before fa i'll need contacts 7ad fa anyone contact me privately plz to sort this out :)

Mahmoud Tantawy
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 22:48:41 +0300
Subject: Re: Cairo ICT
From: thelinuxer at ubuntu.com

To: ubuntu-eg at lists.ubuntu.com; m.tawfik at fixed-solutions.com

Name                     |      Wed        |        Thu       |       Fri       |       Sat     

Mahmoud Fawzy             *                                               

Mohamed Gamal                                                    *         
Mohamed El feky            *                    *                            
Islam Hassan                                                         *            

Mohamed Zaian              *                    *                            
Omar Mohsen                 *                    *                 *                  *
Ahmed Shams                *                    *                 *                  *

Ahmed Adel                    *                    *                 *                  *
Jonathan                  Undecided
Mahmoud Tantawy    Undecided

Abdallah Hodeib       Undecided

Islam Al Wazery       Undecided

This is the list of volunteers so far, please guys send me your T-Shirt size.
Also, for the guys who didn't decide yet please decide ASAP.

We should enter the ICT event as staff members, but try to get an invitation

code anyway just in case..

Best regards,
Ahmed Toulan.

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Samar Ali <newgeneration92 at gmail.com> wrote:

I've sent an email to Mr. Mohamed Al-Mutairi without any reply till now 

On 16 May 2011 16:35, Omar Mustafa <omarabdrabou at gmail.com> wrote:

I'm In, Just please let me know how can I help :)

Best Regards,Omar M. AbdRabou | Office: +1 312 288 8444 | Cell: +2 011 1169620 




On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Ahmed Kamal <email.ahmedkamal at googlemail.com> wrote:

I've got a couple of CDs and stickers as well for you, I'll hopefully drop them by our stand. Does anyone know what hours is the conference operational ? (since night time is better for me)

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Mohamed Zaian <Extend at tecmina.com> wrote:

Hi Samar,
Please send an email to Mr. Mohamed Al-Mutairi (malmutairi at cairoict.com) and he will send you back the invitation code.

Mohamed Zaian

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Samar Ali <newgeneration92 at gmail.com> wrote:

I tried to register  but there was an invalid format for the email at all I'll be there isA only in 28 with Egypreneur team. I can catch an hour to be with the Ubuntu team

On 16 May 2011 13:00, mahmoud metwally <mr.metoo42 at gmail.com> wrote:

ummmmmm good news Ubuntuians.i'll do my best to be with u ISA ... e7gzoli T-shirt :D

2011/5/16 ahmed adel <ahmedalngm_e at hotmail.com>

I can be with you all days, but how can I help.

>>>ِAhmed Adel
From: mt_007 at hotmail.com
To: ubuntu-eg at lists.ubuntu.com

Subject: RE: Cairo ICT
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 06:27:16 +0000

I am willing to join you in Cairo ICT, but don't know exactly which day i'll be free, also, i already registered & got my confirmation 2 weeks ago 
Mahmoud Tantawy

Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 19:32:32 +0300

Subject: Cairo ICT
From: thelinuxer at ubuntu.com
To: ubuntu-eg at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi guys,

The team is being invited to Cairo ICT starting from 25 th of May 
to the 28th by our friends from Fixed Solution . They are Ubuntu 
market place and show great support to the community. We will 

be given part of their partition and a screen to do whatever we want 
with it. They also offered us T-Shirts, yes I am being materialistic :D.

We can distribute CDs, give micro sessions and offer support in


So, who's in ?

Please reply quickly cause we only have 10 days till the event.

Best regards,
Ahmed Toulan.

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mahmoud metwally El-askndrany
Front-End Developer and 2D Designer @Cloud9ers.com


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With My Respect,
Samar Ali


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With My Respect,
Samar Ali


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