problem with permissions

Omar Abdallah bloody.grim at
Thu May 5 09:49:08 UTC 2011

you can use fstab permission masks, I wrote an article about it:

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:10 PM, eslam mamdouh <eslam.husseiny at>wrote:

> another solution is to move the script to linux partition and then change
> permissions as you wish
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:09 PM, eslam mamdouh <eslam.husseiny at>wrote:
>> try this :
>>              sudo mount -o remount users,uid=1000
>> /path_of_ntfs_partition_mount_point
>> and then you will find  all files have exutable permission on all files
>> actually there is no effect of permission on non linux partitions
>> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:07 PM, osama mongy <osama.op at> wrote:
>>> hey guys I'm using windows7 , ubuntu10.04,mac osx  triple boot on my
>>> labtop
>>> I tried to give excution permission to the installation script file  of
>>> matlabR2009 for unix on the windows7 file system partition which is NTFS
>>> format
>>> and it worked I don know wheather I'm lucky or what :)
>>> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Amahdy AbdElAziz <amahdy7 at>wrote:
>>>> NTFS is a windows files system and as Toulan said, you won't be able to
>>>> change its execusion permission. from man:
>>>> x
>>>> Execute permission. If this is off, you cannot execute the file. The
>>>> extended FAT and NTFS file systems ignore this permission since they
>>>> consider all files executable.
>>>> -- Amahdy AbdElAziz
>>>> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 02:49, Tarek Abdul-Kader <tarek.elywah at
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> The file that refuse to be an executable on NTFS partition and I opened
>>>>> it with double click and I don't know what is the Mount option that work
>>>>> with
>>>>> Should I mount it with certain option from the Terminal to be able to
>>>>> change file permissions on it ?
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