Again install fest in Shrouck academy

Ahmed Magdy ahmedandkhaldboys at
Thu Mar 31 21:29:43 UTC 2011

oh, hey islam, happy to hear that, our community will be more public
as soon as we thought....

i'll try to make it and go on with the next fest isA :)

On 3/31/11, Islam Wazery <al.wazery at> wrote:
> Howdy Ubuntuers,
> I have a very good news, Do you remember the install fest that i want to
> held in Shrouck academy?. Ahmed Refaat and me proposed to the chief of the
> division of computer science in Shrouck academy to make an install fest
> there
> but he not only agreed :) he told us that:
> 1- The event will be held on April 14.
> 2- The academy will bear some costs with us like printing advertising papers
> and i will tell him about the CDs.
> 3- He will make Linux and some OSS a case study of the OS course and some
> other courses from the next year and for that we will have a lab with Ubuntu
> installed on its machines.

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