Ubuntu day @ legend

Ahmed Shams ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 17:09:46 UTC 2011

On 22/03/2011, Ahmed Toulan <thelinuxer at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I should have mentioned that in my last email :)
> We talked about an open day on April 8th in our
> last meeting, but nothing planned or announced
> yet.
> We roughly planned the next 3 weeks as follows:
>     1. 25/3 Legend.
>     2. 1/4 Ubuntu Jam.
>     3. 8/4 Open day - Still planning
> Sorry man for the confusion.

yeah, I'm really sorry, I was adding it while you were typing your msgs, haha :)
couldn't delete it, so delyed till we agree upon one date. Toulan,
would you delete it for now?
sorry ya ppl

8 aprill is fine, despite there would be only 20 days for Natty.


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