Open Source Diploma (Ubuntu Based!)

Mahmoud Darweash mahmoud.darweash at
Tue Mar 8 18:19:20 UTC 2011


I mean mohamed gamal :) he is a python guru :)

Anyways, we can talk about these issues @ the end of the ubuntu day @ legend

Sent By Android
Mahmoud Darweash
Mobile Solutions Engineer
Mobile: +20 (10) 53 60 9 60
On Mar 8, 2011 5:47 PM, "Ahmed Shams" <ahmedkhattabshams at> wrote:
> On 08/03/2011, Mahmoud Darweash <mahmoud.darweash at> wrote:
>> @faisal Great,
>> @all
>> I'm recording all the courses supplied by LoCo to prepare the diploma. If
>> anyone has any more courses. I wish he name it
>> Where are the pythoner ??? :)
> I have a good book about python, it's a translation of the famous one
> Byte of Python.
> the translation is not HQ, but will try to cntact the translator to
> correct and update it.
> a copy of the current is attached.
> --
> Regards,
> Ahmed
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