Resala Training Centers

Mahmoud Fawzy m.fawzy.linux at
Sun Mar 6 20:43:16 UTC 2011

AA Guys,

On Friday,I've met the official responsible for the Resala Training Center
(RTC) of Nasr City, I talked to her about the workshops we want to hold,
following is the output of this meeting:

1- They said we are highly needed in Helwan, but are welcome in any other

2- It is "basically" accepted that we install some software stack (think
LAMP, or Python interpreter, IDEs .....) o their machines, "as long as you
know what you are doing, and as long as you are not harming the machine :D"
--but they seem not to have much routine about that  :D

3- Unfortunately, Resala can't understand the idea of "making an agreement"
or something like that, (i.e, we can't agree with them as ONE entity) due to
their QA measures !

4- Due to (3-) we have to be accepted *INDIVIDUALLY* (i.e each volunteer (
or team of a workshop) has to go on his own, pass some steps and then start

In order to streamline the whole process, I'll tell you what you need to do:

a- You should have a "course content"
b- You should have some "material" --handouts, presentation ....
c- You should provide a proof that you know, basically they require a
certificate or something similar, however, as most of the workshops we are
holding are NOT taught here in Egypt, it is enough to prove you understand
d- You should prepare yourself for an interview by someone from the RTC.
e- You have to accept terms =D

after doing these five, you will be approved :D -- then we can organize
workshops together !

Generally, this is not what I was expecting, really, I was expecting some
sort of higher level coordination, however, higher level coordination needs
higher level communication and relations, however, I couldn't penetrate any
further :D -- I'm not a Resalian after all, and I don't have that "higher"
contact :D, just normal ppl!

Mahmoud Fawzy
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