Open Source Diploma (Ubuntu Based!)

Mahmoud Darweash mahmoud.darweash at
Thu Mar 3 22:51:47 UTC 2011

@Ahmed Just figured out :)

@All, Why is this silence ? I noticed that there were a lot of active
members here....

Is this idea bad ? Or you don't like it :( ?

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:40 AM, Ahmed Shams <ahmedkhattabshams at>wrote:

> Salamu 'Alaikom;
> @Mahmoud, in my opinion, your idea is great.
> in fact, the team was trying to held some workshop, with something
> like your idea.
> @all, we can just change the venue, to Univ.s.
> and instead of keep doing that effort inside Ubuntu-eg, we give it a
> bigger extent, and many many many more people will beneft, Wallahy?
> @all; what you think?,
> the govt has been, for decades, introducing their musty approaches!,
> and kept us under feet.
> --
> Regards,
> Ahmed

Mahmoud Darweash
Mobile Solutions Engineer
Mobile: +20 (10) 53 60 9 60
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