MSP Egypt are calming that Microsoft Support Open Source

Ahmed Mamdouh alnegm_2099 at
Sat Jun 4 00:06:24 UTC 2011

your are right :)

--- Haitham El-Ghareeb <helghareeb at> schrieb am Fr, 3.6.2011:

Von: Haitham El-Ghareeb <helghareeb at>
Betreff: Re: MSP Egypt are calming that Microsoft Support Open Source
An: "Ubuntu Egypt" <ubuntu-eg at>
Datum: Freitag, 3. Juni, 2011 18:08 Uhr


Certainly we need to take an action. We shall not focus on this video and replying to it. I think we shall start by revealing the truth about Open Source, and the steps Microsoft is taking towards Open Source formats and community, from different perspective, the perspective of "Saving Microsoft itself, not from helping the Open Source Community". We can't blame those students, they are happy, but we shall start with an intensive camp for Open Source Representatives everywhere.

I can help with this issue, but I don't want us take it personally with some names or hashtags, we need to get very well prepared, and don't directly contact students, coz they might consider it "success 4 their campaign".

What do u think? 

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Jonathan N. Hindi <jonathan.hindi at> wrote:

Hey Guys,

Egypt MSP's (Microsoft Student Partners) are claiming that Microsoft support open source projects and that Open Source means no support and Microsoft means support all over the way. See this video:

I think we must reply to let people know the truth 
Twitter Accounts: @MSPEgypt @mgafar @Microsoft
Twitter #Hashtags: #MSP #MSPEgypt #Linux #OpenSource #Ubuntu #UbuntuEG #Egypt

Whats' your mind? 

Thanks & Regards,
Jonathan N. Hindi

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