Meeting to all Ubuntu EG Community

Ahmed Mamdouh alnegm_2099 at
Sat Jul 2 21:06:41 UTC 2011

please make it on Friday

--- osama mongy <osama.op at> schrieb am Sa, 2.7.2011:

Von: osama mongy <osama.op at>
Betreff: Re: Meeting to all Ubuntu EG Community
An: "Ubuntu Egypt" <ubuntu-eg at>
Datum: Samstag, 2. Juli, 2011 23:18 Uhr

guys please take a decision about the meeting and give me the feed back :) I'm ok with any thing you all accept but i'm a little confused about the changes :) thanks all

On Jul 2, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ahmed Toulan wrote:

I have been thinking about the confusion I have caused because of this change.

I have 2 main concerns:
1. People might want to attend the demonstrations. 
2. Traffic might be a little hard for people coming to the meeting because of the demonstrations.

I didn't take the decision on personal basis. I checked the results from the doodle and most people ( including u Samar :) ) chose Friday and Saturday.

The other option is to make it later on Friday. To allow everyone to attend both, but of course it will conflict with embedded Linux meeting.

Please share with me your wisdom on the subject. 

Ahmed Toulan.

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Ahmed Mamdouh <alnegm_2099 at> wrote:

could we have this meeting on Friday, I will not be able to come on Saturday, because of my work.

--- Islam Hassan <eng.islam_hassan at> schrieb am Do, 30.6.2011:

Von: Islam Hassan <eng.islam_hassan at>
Betreff: RE: Meeting to all Ubuntu EG Community
An: "Ubuntu-EG" <ubuntu-eg at>

Datum: Donnerstag, 30. Juni, 2011 21:48 Uhr

I have a course on Saturdays and I don't wanna miss it, but I'll come anyways if every one else agreed. BTW, I'll need to know your opinions about the embedded Linux meeting too, same time or follow the all community meeting ???

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 21:44:59 +0300
Subject: Re: RE: Meeting to all Ubuntu EG Community
From: thelinuxer at
To: ubuntu-eg at

According to the doodle we have 13 members who will attend both on 
Friday and Saturday. Or we will have to move it to the Saturday after 
that (16th of July). 

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Mahmoud Darweash <mahmoud.darweash at> wrote:

Note : 9 jul is java7 release conferece... :)

sent by android


Mahmoud Darweash

Mobile Solutions Engineer

Mobile: +20 (10) 53 60 9 60

On Jun 30, 2011 8:34 PM, "Ahmed Toulan" <thelinuxer at> wrote:
> Hey guys,

> I think it's better to move the meeting to Saturday 9th of July 11am, to

> allow whoever wants to attend the demonstrations to attend. I will also
> adjust the Google calendar.
> Also, here is the link to the meeting agenda. I know it's empty. As usual
> everyone is more than welcome to add agenda items.

> Best regards,
> Ahmed Toulan.
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Ahmed Shams <ahmedkhattabshams at>wrote:

>> @Samar Ali, Can't we convert it to a Release Party???, It won't be

>> much different, just ++Ballons!
>> Ana elly hageeeeb el ballons el marrah di ya Anas ;)
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ahmed
>> --
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