[Ubuntu-eg] اوبنتو

Mahmoud Fawzy m.fawzy.linux at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 13:30:56 UTC 2011

إيهاب ... بعد إذنك لو ممكن تكتب اللي بيحصل معاك بالظبط ده هيسهل حل مشكلتلك
أكتر و يسرع العملية جدا :) و بردو ممكن تحب تدخل تسأل على جروب الفيس بتاعنا[
http://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntueg/] أو ممكن تحب تسأل على المنتدى[

2011/12/21 Mohammad AbuShady <coalwater5 at gmail.com>

> I don't know exactly if you're saying that you have a problem or not but
> if you do then its better if you just mention details about your problem,
> gives you a chance to hear more than 1 person's opinion, and hopefully
> resolve your problem sooner than just wait for someone to ask you what's
> wrong with your computer, either by phone if that's what you're expecting
> or by direct email between each other,
> and also when it's resolved it gives chances for other people who face the
> same problem in the future to use it as a reference and find solutions to
> their issues faster.
> 2011/12/21 Ehab KHAFAGY <ehab.alforat at gmail.com>
>> يا اهل أوبونتو انا هاردي مساعدة في حل المشكلة الكمبيوتر توقف نسخة 11.10
>> مع انها محدثة حتي امس برجا التواصل
>> ايهاب خفاجي
>> 01276435922
>> --
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