Ubuntu 10.10 release party

Ahmed Khattab Shams ahmedkhattabshams at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 15:46:14 UTC 2010

well done, Greetings,
I think that it'd be great idea to give the place a visit, when we get
it (ISA), specially for the speakers just to be comforted on the day.

also to get the correct directions for all means of transportation
around the place, to help attendants to reach the place on time

to prepare about Ad.s to give a bigger Buzz, to inform our community,
and even if they won't come, we'd be In-Directly informed them about
the Great Distro. we work on and it's wonderful community.

also we can arrange some UbuntuHour Gatherings in the Universities all
over Cairo, to enlarge the Buzz.
UbuntuHour: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour

I'm asking Allah for everything be just fine.

Best of everything,

On 04/10/2010, mahmoud mohamed <eng.ma7moud.ebrahem at gmail.com> wrote:
> AA,
> how are you my great time :)
> i have good news as i thought. IShare have been requested the same place we
> have made our last release party from our faculty.
> so we can hold an event in it isA, But we still waiting the approval but i
> think everything went in the right way till now l7l.
> .
> NOW, if we managed to reserve it,what will we do isA.
> i think we must start to prepare to this event and the sessions we will make
> isA. ASAP.
> waiting your reply..........
> thanks in advance,
> Mahmoud.

Ahmed Shams

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