Cairo University event
stephan.hermann at
stephan.hermann at
Wed Oct 27 18:59:55 UTC 2010
Hi everybody,
Zitat von Ahmed Toulan <thelinuxer at>:
> I just called Cilantro Abbas El 3akad. Of course as we know
> they have no reservation system.They said that they can find
> 20 empty contiguous seats for us isA. The man just said that
> the guests should order something :D
> So lets do this next Saturday at 6pm. No more voting, please
> send me the banner to publicize it on the Facebook group and
> other websites.
these are great news! :-)
Christian and I are in Egypt since two days and start working to make
Sekem ready for Open Source *g* and living at the Sekem Farm (it's
about 1h via Bus to Kairo).
Unfortunately we haven't got any idea about locations in Kairo, so
what do you think: How can we find your location?
We're so excited to meet you!
Many Greets
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