Meeting Ubuntu eg With LVAD

Ahmed Toulan thelinuxer at
Thu Aug 5 16:02:13 UTC 2010

Hi Anas,

My answers are highlighted in blue.

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:48 PM, Anas Emad <anas.emad at> wrote:

> Meeting Ubuntu eg With LVAD
> Hi everyone here
> About ubuntu for teens , LVAD tell us to meeting to discuss Course Out
> Lines
> i make simple presentation about Course Out Lines in attachment
> I am attend meeting with Hala (Ubuntu eg member there in LVAD ), Shady and
> Eng.Sara ElKadi
> first i show presentation "Ubuntu for teens"
> then they asked me some questions :
> • If the teens from 10-14-16 can understand that ?

It all depends on the stuff presented. I didn't see the course outline,
but I think that you included graphics applications and stuff like that.
Of course things like shell programing is a little out of scope from my

> • How can Teens interested in ubuntu ?

We can get them interested by showing Compiz stuff. And depending
on their age may be some games. Games like OpenArena are really

• Course Hours how it will take ? 2 sessions ? or 3

How many hours/session ?

> • about Lap

What's the question here ?

> i try to answer these questions but what your answers ?
> i talked to shady about the benefits of course for them and for our so we
> try to summarized benefits in this table :
> LVAD team in the end of their courses they have fun day so we suggest to
> make introduction session about this course to teens and teens's parents

Pretty cool. We should do that, but with a more flashy presentation :D

> another topics we talked about : Ubuntu-eg event in faculty
> and our courses in their lap in the future. when term start or in ramadan
>  We need this to be discussed separately isA.

Best regards,
Ahmed Toulan.
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