Ubuntu-eg Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Release Party

Mohamed Zaian Extend at tecmina.com
Wed Oct 28 14:35:33 UTC 2009


Below is a message from Bahaa Al Sayed he is a Senior member in linuxac and
also a member in Ubuntu-eg , anyway i will attend the event with them , i
will help them as much as i can , they need CDs of Ubuntu 9.10 derivatives ,
please help if you can i am waiting for your replies , please do not blame
them or me for the date as we was not prepared for such a thing.

Linuxac Community Members in Alexandria is celebrating the new ubuntu
The party will be in Thuresday 29/9 at 6:00 P.M . The gathering will be in
Saad Zaghlool Squre in Ramel Station.
The Activites:
* Distributing CD for the new release.
* Explaining the new features for the new release.
* Installing Ubuntu for any guest that wants that on his Laptop.

We are pleased to invite Egypt Loco Team members to join us in this party
for anyone that can attend.

Mohamed Zaian
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