Moderators voting

unknown unknown at
Fri Apr 24 03:03:17 UTC 2009

Hi fellas, if you need anything, sorry for my long absence, please lets have a meeting on irc whenever its convenient for you.  Take care.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ahmad Sayed" <ahmad.ahmadsayed at>
To: "Ubuntu Egypt" <ubuntu-eg at>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:58:32 PM (GMT+0200) Auto-Detected
Subject: Re: Moderators voting

I expect people who stepped forward to introduce themselves for the others, myself already contacted them on the IRC and I agree on both 

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:32 PM, MeMo < moamen at > wrote: 

I think since nobody actually knows anybody in the list :D , it'll be fine to accept however stepped forward to the position then rate their performance afterwards . 
as for me ,I have no objection on both of the moderators and wishing them the best of luck :) 

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Mohamed Zaian < Extend at > wrote: 

Salam All, 

Regarding the voting issue we didn't receive many votes from you guys, but i can see that there is some active people in the mailing list, so please send your votes as soon as possible cause we have some ongoing work for our community and we need to proceed with the loco council. 

Let me introduce myself into you my name is Mohamed Zaian below down is my ubuntu wiki page, launchpad page, personal homepage, Thanks 
Mohamed Zaian 

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Ahmed Toulan < thelinuxer at > wrote: 

Hey guys, 

We had a very successful meeting. Everyone can check the chat log at: 

As was written in the meeting agenda , most of the topics was about the moderation of this group(Mailing list/Launchpad/IRC ..etc) . We had an ubuntu council member with us on bored, and he pointed us to to start voting on the new admins since they can not reach the original founder. 

These 2 people have stepped forward to fill the responsibility of the moderation roles 

1. Mohammed Zaian (Extend) 
2. Ahmed Toulan (thelinuxer) 

The group might need more than one moderator to get everything working fine. 

Please reply to this email whether you agree or not to these names. 
The voting will start from now and will end by Tuesday 21th of April next week. Please make sure to vote before that time :) 

Best regards, 
Ahmed Toulan. 


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