Meeting Agenda could be found on Wiki

El Klazzik klazzik at
Sat Apr 11 16:18:36 UTC 2009

Ofcourse, this cant be anyone's intention. I suggest holding the meeting
next monday at 8PM CLT. If this is fine, I shall make an IRC applet,
link it to #ubuntu-eg then upload it somewhere, just to make it easier
for everyone connecting to the channel.


On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 14:47 +0200, Hassan Ibraheem wrote:
> Can we just get back to discussing the meeting agenda?
> It's a wiki page for God's sake....
> and a meeting is a group activity... so whatever someone suggests, we
> must agree we want to discuss that.
> This is not something someone can manipulate, so go ahead and just
> suggest whatever you have in mind.
> and please disagree respectfully, we're trying to make some sort of
> community out of nothing here... so it's not worth it really to insult
> each other.
> If you're going to let insults and bad manners hijack the discussion,
> then I guess establishing the group isn't worth it after all.
> What about meeting on IRC to discuss the Agenda. Yeah, I just
> suggested a meeting about a meeting, but since we're going to discuss
> the agenda anyway... let's discuss it in real-time.
> 2009/4/10 Samer Azmy <samer.azmy at>
>         All,
>         Please find below the topics/Agenda of our proposed meeting
>         Details below 
>         * Discussing Differences between
>         FOSS/FLOSS,Linux,Freeware,Shareware.
>         * Difference between License schemes-this is a small
>         discussion -. 
>         * Discussing Differences between
>         FOSS/FLOSS,Linux,Freeware,Shareware.
>         * Difference between License schemes-this is a small
>         discussion -. 
>         * State what stuff to translate.
>         * Defining our capabilities and contributions.
>         * IRC usage.
>         * Mailing list moderation. 
>         * Forum Moderation and bringing it to life.
>         * Jaunty beta testing.
>         * Forum Moderation and bringing it to life.
>         * Finding the LOST KARIM FAYEZ.
>         * Jaunty beta testing.
>         * Distributing Ubuntu Stickers
>         --
>         Ubuntu-eg mailing list
>         Ubuntu-eg at
>         Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> -- 
> Hassan Ibraheem

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