Call for Participation: LICE-2012

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Sat Oct 29 15:07:47 UTC 2011

Call for Participation: LICE-2012

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*London International Conference on Education (LICE-2011)*

**November 7-10, 2011, London, UK***(*


*Notification and Call for Participation*

The London International Conference on Education (LICE) is an 
international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the 
theory and practices in education. The LICE promotes collaborative 
excellence between academicians and professionals from Education.

The aim of LICE is to provide an opportunity for academicians and 
professionals from various educational fields with cross-disciplinary 
interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the 
evolution of pedagogy. The LICE-2011 invites research papers that 
encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance 

The topics in LICE-2011 include but are not confined to the following areas:

*Art Education *

Music Education

Writing Education

Imaginative Education

Language Education


*Adult Education *

Competitive Skills

Continuing Education

Higher Education

Adult education

Vocational Education

Transferring Disciplines

*Business Education *

Educational Administration

Human Resource Development

Academic Advising and Counselling

Education Policy and Leadership

Industrial Cooperation

Life-long Learning Experiences

Workplace Learning and Collaborative Learning

Work Employability

Educational Institution Government Partnership

Patent Registration and Technology Transfer

University Spin-Off Companies

*Course Management *

Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Academic Experiences and Best Practice Contributions


Digital Libraries and Repositories

Digital Rights Management

Evaluation and Assessment

E-content Management and Development

E-content Management and Development. Open Content


Grading Methods

Knowledge Management

Quality processes at National and International level

Security and Data Protection

Student Selection Criteria in Interdisciplinary Studies

User-Generated Content

*Curriculum, Research and Development *

Acoustics in Education Environment


Counsellor Education

Courses, Tutorials and Labs

Curriculum Design



*Educational Foundations *

Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

Geographical Education

Health Education

Home Education

Rural Education

Science Education

Secondary Education

Second life Educators

Social Studies Education

Special Education

*Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment *

Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring

e-Testing and new Test Theories

Supervising and Managing Student Projects

Pedagogy Enhancement with e-Learning

Educating the Educators

Immersive Learning

Blended Learning

Computer-Aided Assessment

Metrics and Performance Measurement

Assessment Software Tools

Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments

*Global Issues In Education and Research *

Education, Research and Globalization

Barriers to Learning (ethnicity, age, psychosocial factors, ...)

Women and Minorities in Science and Technology

Indigenous and Diversity Issues

Government Policy issues

Organizational, Legal and Financial Aspects

Digital Divide

Increasing Affordability and Access to the Internet

Ethical issues in Education

Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism

*Pedagogy *

Teacher Education

Cross-disciplinary areas of Education

Educational Psychology

Education practice trends and issues

Indigenous Education

Kinesiology and Leisure Science


Life-long Learning Education

Mathematics Education

Physical Education (PE)

Reading Education

Religion and Education Studies


*Research Management *

Research Methodologies

Academic Research Projects

Joint-research programmes

Research on Technology in Education

Research Centres

Links between Education and Research

New Challenges in Education

ECTS experiences

The Bologna Process and its implementation

Joint-Degree Programmes

Erasmus and Exchange experiences in universities

Students and Teaching staff Exchange programmes

*Ubiquitous Learning *

Accessibility to Disabled Users

Animation, 3D, and Web 3D Applications

Context Dependent Learning

Distance Education



Educational Technology

Educational Games and Software

Human Computer Interaction

ICT Education

Internet technologies

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Mobile Applications and Learning (M-learning)

Multi-Virtual Environment

Standards and Interoperability

Technology Enhanced Learning

Technology Support for Pervasive Learning

Ubiquitous Computing

Videos for Learning and Educational Multimedia

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)

Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogs and Wikis

Wireless Applications

*Research In Progress*

Ongoing research from undergraduates, graduates/postgraduates and 
professionals Projects

Collaborative Research

Integration of cross-cultural studies in curriculum

Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)

New Trends And Experiences

*Other Areas of Education*

*Keynote Speakers*

*Marie Parker-Jenkins*is Professor of Education in the Department of 
Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick researching 
issues of social justice with particular reference to "race" and 
ethnicity. Before having an academic career in the UK, she taught in 
Bermuda, Canada and Australia where she obtained practical knowledge of 
children from culturally diverse backgrounds. She is the author of over 
100 publications including books, reports and journal articles. Her 
research has included study of the expansion of religious schools, 
particularly those based on an Islamic and Jewish ethos; and in her 
consultancy capacity, she has provided workshops on such subject as 
citizenship, community and identity.

*Patrick Ainley*is a professor of Training and Education at the 
University of Greenwich School of Education and Training (as was). Books 
include: Learning Policy, Towards the Certified Society, Macmillan 1999; 
Apprenticeship: Towards a new Paradigm of Learning (edited with Helen 
Rainbird) Kogan Page 1999; The Business of Learning, Staff and Student 
Experience of Future Education in the 1990s (with Bill Bailey), Cassell 
1997; Degrees of difference, Higher Education in the 1990s, Lawrence and 
Wishart 1994; Class and Skill, Cassell 1993; Training for the Future, 
The rise and fall of the Manpower Services Commission (with Mark 
Corney), Cassell 1990; From School to YTS, Open University Press 1988; 
and with Martin Allen -- Education Make You Fick, Innit? Tufnell Press 
2007 and Lost Generation? New strategies for youth and education; 
Continuum: March 2010.

*Dr Steven Whitombe*is a lecturer in the School of Healthcare Studies at 
Cardiff University, United Kingdom. Steven trained as an occupational 
therapist but has worked in healthcare education for the past eleven 
years. His research interests center on pedagogical issues, especially 
students' experience of learning and students education and professional 
identities. He has a particular interest in problem-based learning as an 
educational approach and has published widely on this topic in numerous 
journals and book chapters. In 2005 he co-developped a reflective model 
of problem-based learning which has since been updated in the 2010 book 
"Problem-based Learning in Health and Social Care" of whic Steven is 
also a co-editor. More recently, Steven has turned his attention to the 
significance of knowledge for the maintenance of unique professional 
identity. His doctoral these explored occupational therapy students' 
perception of knowledge and professional identity, the findings of which 
have been disseminated in educational conferences both in the UK, and 
internationally, including the Canadian International Conference on 
Education in 2011. Steven is currently in the process of co-authoring a 
new book on the skills and knowledge required of the 21^st century 
healthcare practitioner.




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