Edubuntu 11.10

Dave Wilson nenenaiad at
Fri Nov 4 13:16:21 UTC 2011


I know Edubuntu 11.10 works but intend now to put a second NIC in place so I will use the onboard for the Internet and the new board for the LTS clients via a switch.

I decided to do a new install as I was expecting Ubuntu to pick the new card up. I should have known better since the LTS side of things has stopped functioning.

Could I ask my Peers what the best thing is to do now. I can reinstall again if that is the consensus, or if somebody can list me what to change I will do it with the new installation.

Can I just say that my experience with Network Manager is that it has lost the plot and I am only too happy to use /etc/network/interfaces and other files to configure it.

Is Network Manager the Ubuntu version of Plug and Play called Plug and Pray ?



Sent from my iPad

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