Ubuntu in Education resources from Canonical
Caroline Meeks
caroline at meekshome.com
Wed Sep 1 23:40:55 BST 2010
Hi Belinda,
You might want to talk to Maine Open 1 to 1 (open1to1.org) they are a Ubuntu
netbook remix remix that is being used by a couple thousand students in
Maine on netbooks. There are also deployments in NH and VT. They just
started last year, this year they are working on being more involved in the
Ubuntu community. We are also working to put Sugar, which is currently
being ported to Ubuntu (Ubuntu Sugar Remix) into this remix also.
I am working with the Boston area Ubuntu community and folks from Tufts and
Harvard to do a stick based deployment in Somerville where we will give
families in housing projects refurbished computers and each person in the
family a bootable USB sticks with Open 1 to 1 (or maybe a different mix of
software for the parents). We will work with community computer centers to
give classes and use these spaces to provide internet access.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for doing this work.
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Belinda Lopez
<belinda.lopez at canonical.com>wrote:
> Greetings all!
> I'm working on a short-term assignment to review and update
> Canonical's Ubuntu in Education resources. This includes making the
> various websites easier to use for end user like students, parents,
> educators as well as solution providers and others who want to do
> business in the Education market place using Ubuntu and its
> derivatives. The Education sector is an important space on many levels
> to both Canonical and Ubuntu. I can't make any promises other than it
> being a personal goal of mine to help drive the adoption of Ubuntu in
> Education at every level so for starters I'm opening up the dialog with
> the community on best to use the limited resources Canonical currently
> has to develop some new content for the following audiences:
> End users: students, parents, educators
> School level adoptions: decision makers
> District/regional deployments; policy makers
> Solution Providers: those delivering services and hardware to the
> Education sector.
> If you have any thoughts on what each audience needs to know please
> voice your thoughts here or email me privately. I've also added this
> item to the Edubuntu meeting agenda to help further the conversation.
> Also, does anyone have idea of how many schools might be using
> Ubuntu/Edubuntu? or if there is some place we can ask people to let us
> know about their schools?
> thanks,
> Belinda/dinda
> Education
> Canonical
> belinda.lopez at canonical.com
> dinda at ubuntu.com
> IRC: dinda
> Office: Galveston, Texas
> --
> Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
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Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove
Caroline at SolutionGrove.com
617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax
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