Fwd: Edubuntu workstation install

Kari Matthews karisue at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 02:54:18 BST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tracy Taulman" <tracy at taulman.org>
Date: Aug 6, 2006 11:24 PM
Subject: Edubuntu workstation install
To: "Kari Matthews" <karisue at gmail.com>

 Here are the steps that I worked out from before. They still look good and
should work just fine for you:

 1. Install Edubuntu workstation option

2. On first boot do this:

            1. Create an 'administrator' user during install.

2. CTRL+ALT+F1, login as admin

sudo su -          (<--- to become root)

mv /home/administrator /admininistrator

usermod -d /administrator admininistrator

3. CTRL+ALT+F2, login as admininistrator to make sure things are working ok

3.  Logout and hit F7 to login to graphical

4. Change repositories in Synaptic Package Manager (add Universe and

5. Put on all updates.

6. Reboot workstation

7. Download smbldap at
    version 2.1 or so

8. Open the archive and extract it.

9. Open a terminal window and cd to smbldap-installer

10. sudo ./smbldap ubuntuclient

11. sudo gedit /etc/udev/permissions.rules

            Find the sound device section

            Add MODE=”0666”, in front of GROUP=”audio”

12. Open Synaptic Package Manager and search for portmap and autofs

add and apply both

13. Configure the automounter to mount the home directories as needed.

 1. Edit /etc/auto.master add:

 2. /home /etc/auto.homes --timeout=60

 3. Edit /etc/auto.homes

 4. *

14. Restart the computer and logon as a LDAP client!

You will also need to set up the printer in the lab and change backgrounds.
If you have trouble with that, let me know, but I think you remember that

Also, I figured out my wireless issues. D-Link uses channel bonding to get
their 108Mbps. So if you turn that off and drop to a standard 54Mbps, all is
well on both.
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