Helping new users with setting up Edubuntu server

David Groos djgroos at
Sun Jun 20 00:35:33 BST 2010

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Belinda Lopez
<belinda.lopez at>wrote:

> David Groos wrote:
>    1. How do I get a link on the edubuntu page?
> I think Jonathan Carter has write access to that area.
Thanks, Belinda.  Jonathan? Not quite ready yet, but I'd like to add a link
to a good install page.  More on that in a bit.

>    1. What is the official page on the edubuntu or ubuntu wiki for
>    installing Lucid (hopefully with info on installing LTSP).
>  Canonical does not have an official one so it kind of depends on what you
> mean by official.  I would consider it official like the Documentation work
> if the community supports it.  perhaps with the ok from the edubuntu
> council?
What I mean by this is not necessarily a wiki page but a page like the
download page that says, 'once you've downloaded and converted to an install
DVD, this is how you install it.  This is very important I feel.

>    1. Which wiki should I add/update this content, ubuntu or edubuntu?
> At this point I'd recommend the official ubuntu wiki as I think there is
> more activity there and anyone searching there will find a link to it.  I
> don't think there is cross wiki search functionality at this point.  So
> maybe the bulk of it on the Ubuntu wiki and a page on the edubuntu wiki so
> folks can find it in a search there.
Thanks for this direction.  Until I hear otherwise I'll be planning on
adding to the Ubuntu wiki.

>    1. What is the relationship between these wikis and what is the vision
>    for the edubuntu wiki?
>  Not sure there is a long term vision for edubuntu at the moment. :-(   It's
> being driven by the developer community
(Hats off to you!!!)

> and they have done an outstanding job to keep the project moving forward.
> Other than blueprints for the next cycle I would love to see and help work
> on a long term vision.

I know there is a mission statement though I just did a google search
"Edubuntu mission" and "Mission of edubuntu" and on neither first 20 hits
was a mission statement for Edubuntu.  Where is it?  I know it exists.

The good thing about a mission statement is it tells one why one is
marching.  However, a vision statement is different.  The vision tells one
what we will approach if our community marches successfully.  Really, a
vision guides us in the murky waters of life.  I don't recall seeing a
vision statement for edubuntu, but then again, I'm almost 50 so may well
have forgotten having seen it... Please direct me to a living or otherwise
wiki page telling the vision of our community.

I can (and will) start making wiki pages like: if someone doesn't soon educate me on a good
way to do it or at least a web page that provides naming guidelines.  On
that note, I'm about to make a simple wiki page: unless I get some other direction.

>    1. I'm thinking I should start a 'specifications' wiki page on these
>    dozen pages, on edubuntu wiki, right?  Name?
> sounds great!  keep us updated on your progress.
how about: and put the basic pages
in place of the ....

> FYI:  I've been working on an Edubuntu course in Moodle for the Kids on
> computers project.  They asked about maybe adding an LTSP and networking
> section to it.  You can find the current work in progress here:
Awesome!  Which of the 3 programs would be most user friendly for my
students to annotate a digital photograph--for example they take a picture
of a flower and want to clearly label the parts, gimp, inkspace, scribus?  A
tutorial on that would be something my students need...


>    1.
> Thanks for your support,
> thanks for your work!
> Dinda
> David
> Training Project Manager
> Canonicalbelinda.lopez at
> Mobile Phone: 832-741-6745
> Home Office: 409-497-4346
> IRC: dinda
> Office: Galveston, Texas
> --
> Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
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