Set of "BasicSetup" how-to's" for Lucid Edubuntu

David Groos djgroos at
Fri Jul 2 16:25:54 BST 2010

Hi All Edubuntistas,

As I was researching and creating a "BasicSetup" wiki
was moved by all the work that has been done on the Ubuntu wiki.  So
has been created over the years.  My goal was to make 1 page to coordinate
all the how-to pages needed to do a basic (but complete) set up of an
Edubuntu Lucid LTSP server. The criteria used include:

   1. Respect the name space already used by the community (thus the
   "cookbook" in the name)
   2. Make the page as clear and easy to edit as possible.
   3. Include only the most basic how-to's but, be complete as well

Like all community projects, I can't (nor ought to) do this all myself.  I
don't have enough knowledge nor enough time.  There are many dozens of
people on these mailing lists.  The Dev's are already tapped out with their
work developing the software and answering higher-level troubleshooting
questions so mainly my plea is directed to the Edubuntu-users list and
Ubuntu-education list.   Haven't made a page and not sure how to?  Ask me
and I'll help you get started.  We need new people!

Please take a look at this page.  Please consider adding your knowledge to
this page, improving this page.  If there are existing resources that are
appropriate for Lucid, note that and link to them.  If a how-to page needs
to be updated for Lucid and you have the knowledge or are willing to gain it
and update the page, please do so!

I'm willing to work over this summer to help create and coordinate this
BasicSetup series of pages.  Join me!

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