
Jeremy Fluhmann jeremy.fluhmann at wintersisd.org
Fri Jan 22 23:24:42 GMT 2010

I'm here!  I'm the Technology Director for Winters ISD out here in the
West Texas area.  I'm also the current president of a statewide K-16
open source group here in Texas.  I'm in the process of converting some
computer labs over to Ubuntu (possibly Edubuntu) and using Virtual
Bridges VDI to provide Windows desktops when needed (such as for
PLATO).  Another goal after implementing Virtual Bridges VDI is to start
replacing desktops with thin clients, as needed and where appropriate,
and publish both a Windows and Ubuntu desktop via VDI.

I've poked a few people about putting together an 'Open Source in
Education' journal.  If anyone on the list is interested, I'll try to
set something up where we can collaborate together on the idea.

David Groos wrote:
> Hi People!
> I've just subscribed to this list.  It doesn't look like there has
> been much activity for a few months.  Would you please hit the
> reply/reply-to-all button to show your current active status?  I'd be
> interrested in an ubuntu-education revival!
> Thanks!
> David


Jeremy Fluhmann
/Technology Director/
/Winters ISD/
/Futuristic - Analytical - Ideation - Relator - Learner/

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