Looking for recommendations: simple GIMP

Steve Rippl rippls at woodlandschools.org
Fri Feb 19 18:30:23 GMT 2010

David Groos wrote:
> BTW--I've been wondering, should I select 'remove' or 'completely 
> remove' or neither for a program I install and then decide not to 
> use?  My concern is that, if I remove it and it lists dependencies 
> which were already on my system because they are used by some 
> previously installed application, will it remove those dependencies?
> Thanks!
> David
apt-get remove will leave config files, apt-get purge removes everything 
for that package, neither remove dependencies.  apt will let you know if 
there are packages left that only the one you just removed depended on, 
and an apt-get autoremove will get rid of those, but that will only come 
up if now other packages list them as dependancies.

 From man apt-get...

           autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically
           installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that 
are no
           more needed.

It's all very clever from what I've seen!

Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 225 9451 x326

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