Mounting a shared folder in everyone's home directory

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at
Mon Apr 26 16:50:12 BST 2010

Oops, didn't send it to the list last time...

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:41 PM, David Groos <djgroos at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to put a bunch of images in a shared folder that would automatically
> mount on all students' desktops.  I've already made a shared folder.  When I
> google I see lots of info on SAMBA, NSF as well as mounting drives and
> partitions.  I don't want all that--just a simple folder auto-mounted on all
> users desktops with read only access.  Any help?
> Thanks,
> David

If it's a *remote* shared folder, you could simply mount it in
/media/SharedFolder using /etc/fstab and it *would* just show up for
every user.

But, if you don't want Samba or NFS, don't want to mount a
network drive? This folder exists on the local computer?

It might help us help you if you explain the situation and the problem
you are trying to solve a little more in depth. I'm currently a bit
confused as to what you're trying to mount, where, and how.

You're simply trying to make sure every user than logs into this
computer sees the same folder on their desktop? The user home folders
are located on the local main hard drive and the shared folder as

What's your setup? How many users on how many machines? How are they
authenticated? Are you mounting *anything* over the network right now?


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