Language Software

Onatawahtaw onatawahtaw at
Sat Sep 29 06:12:08 BST 2007

Hi Carmelo,

Just thought I'd point out, that I am working on some
open source language teaching software. Currently I am
developing it for teaching Cree to English speakers,
but can be expanded to any language situation. Anyhow,
it is still in its early stages (mainly I'm trying to
find some artists right now), but you are welcome to
use it if it will help you out. The site is at


--- Carmelo Ricardo <carmeloricardo at> wrote:

>  Hi!!!
>     My name is Carmelo  and I am an university
> student from Brazil and I am
> studying English Language. So, I will start to write
> my final paper and I
> was thinking to write about 'free software and
> english classes"  or
> "theaching English with free software". I am not
> sure yet.
>     Then I think maybe we can share information,
> like books, essays,
> whatever about this subject.
>     I hope hearing from you soon!!
>    Thank you very much for you attention!!
> -- 
> Carmelo Ricardo
> > -- 
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