New wiki page for teachers - need help

Jim Hutchinson jhutchinson at
Thu May 17 16:22:52 BST 2007

Greetings Ubunteros,


I've taken a lesson from Neal (of CoLoCo) and following his famous wiki
proverb to "be bold in editing", I've started a new wiki page to host
lesson plans for teachers.


I have no idea if this is the best place, the best way or much of
anything for that matter. However, I want to get this off the ground. I
do need help editing the wiki as I don't know much about them. It's
mostly blank at the moment but the structure is there. Feel free to
improve it - please.


I also don't know how to create sub-pages. I'd like to link each
application name to a new page that contains the actual lesson plan and
links to downloads for documents and such (should these be Open Office,
Word, PDF, all the above?). If anyone can help to get that started I'd
appreciate it. The first lesson I plan to add is for chemistry and uses


I would also like to encourage others to develop lessons. The success of
this depends on teachers finding it useful and that depends on there
being a nice collection of lessons and tools that teachers can use.


Please pass this on to other groups, teams and projects as you see fit.
The more the merrier.


Finally, this is all kind of new to me so I'm open to guidance (or
correction if I'm going about this the wrong way).




Jim Hutchinson

Media Specialist

Windsor High School



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