Attracting Teacher to FOSS

Tom Hoffman tom.hoffman at
Wed May 16 18:41:42 BST 2007

Do you have a copy of David Thornburg's book "When the Best is Free?"
I think you need to email them directly to get a copy:

"When the Best is Free is available in paperback for $24.95 directly
from the Thornburg Center by e-mailing tcpd2020 at"

It is worth the effort, I think, because David has a good sense of how
to talk to teachers about technology (after doing so for 30+ years).
Also, dropping his name and recommending the book in your talk is a
good idea, since he's well known among people who attend ed-tech
conferences in the US.


On 5/16/07, Jim Hutchinson <jhutchinson at> wrote:
> Greetings all,
> My name is Jim Hutchinson and I am a media specialist at Windsor HS in
> Colorado. I am presenting a session on teaching with FOSS and edubuntu this
> summer at the Technology in Education (TIE) conference in Copper Mountain,
> CO. For this session I am trying to develop a list of quality education FOSS
> and some sample lessons for teachers at the conference to use as they
> familiarize themselves with the software and maybe give them a start on
> using it in their classrooms. We hope to demo all this on an edubuntu
> thin-client.
> I started to think that tapping into the larger community to help develop
> lessons would not only help my session but would also help create a
> centralized location to host a lot of lessons for teachers anywhere in the
> world.
> Perhaps something like this already exists, but I could not find anything on
> the edubuntu wiki. I would like to start one. Can anyone provide any
> suggestions on how to get this started, how to develop a list of "really
> good apps" as a starting point for teachers, and how to get help from the
> community to develop lessons for these apps?
> I have a wiki started for my work for the TIE conference. Feel free to visit
> or add to it.
> Thanks for reading. I look forward to your input.
> Jim Hutchinson
> Media Specialist
> Windsor High School
> 970-686-8125
> --
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