DebianEdu/Skolelinux Devcamp invites Edubuntu from Mon 19 Feb till Feb 23
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
annemarie.mahfouf at
Sun Feb 4 16:51:33 GMT 2007
Le Sunday 04 February 2007 17:14:19 Nicolas Pettiaux, vous avez écrit :
> I remind you also of a developper meeting within FOSDEM organized by
> Anne-Marie Mahouf, of KDE-EDU on sunday morning Feb 25th.
Yes, see
We have the KDE room for 3 hours while KDE people will meet other desktops
So you are all invited to come around. When we meet face to face, it's then
easier to collaborate by email!
The idea would be for each project to present itself and then we could see if
there are current problems we could start working on together. From my
(KDE-Edu) side I htink I can see with packagers packaging-related problems
with i18n data for example, programs size, data location... To improve
between edu developers would be data sharing, common configuration files and
common result storage for example. These are just quick examples of what we
can debate about.
If you have ideas for this meeting, we can set a schedule (using a wiki) or we
can keep it informal and go from the ideas above.
Too bad I did not know you were in Paris, Nicolas, Marie-Laure and Mathieu as
I was there too and I gave a KDE-Edu talk in the "Village des associations"
section on Tuesday afternoon.
Looking forward meeting you all at FOSDEM,
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