
Abraham Rolick ARolick at
Thu Nov 16 00:36:46 GMT 2006

Greetings all,

My name is Abe and I currently work for a smaller K-12 school district
in the Sunny Southern California.  I've just recently installed Kubuntu
at home (it was suggested by a friend of mine who is helping develop
some parts of KDE) and was very impressed with how clean the installer
was and how quickly I had my system up and running.

I've run several Linux distributions in the past including Slackware,
RedHat, Debian, Gentoo, etc. and also FreeBSD and OpenBSD.  (I should
probably admit that I am a big OpenBSD user and advocate.)

I just today learned about Edubuntu and would like to give it a shot in
some of our classrooms.  We have many, many older machines which
currently run Windows 98 and probably wouldn't stand much of a chance
running XP.  So I would like to see how well an installation of Edubuntu
will perform on them.  Can anyone share some of their success stories
with this distribution in the K-12 environment?  I noticed that there is
great multi-lingual support which would be a great benefit to us here in
SoCal where a large part of the population speaks both English and
(sometimes primarily) Spanish.


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