[ec2] RFQ: Mailing lists proposal

Hamish Harvey hamish at hamishharvey.com
Thu Mar 25 13:08:40 GMT 2010

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 08:31, Nicolas Barcet <nick.barcet at canonical.com> wrote:
> 2/ cloud planet aggregator to mailing list notification
> As we have been doing in the past for twitter, we are thinking about
> using a bot to inform the (possibly unified) mailing list of any new
> posts that appear on the cloud planet aggregator [1], as a summary plus
> a link to the original posts.

I'd be unhappy about not being able to separate cloud planet
notifications from discussion. I'm happy to know about cloud planet (I
didn't before) and can now subscribe to it in (e.g.) Google Reader. I
don't need more noise in my inbox, and I don't want to have to choose
between discussion _and_ notifications or nothing.

If people want email notifications of cloud planet posts, a separate
list would seem more appropriate.

I have no problem with merging the two discussion lists (assuming that
the one I'm not currently subscribed to doesn't get email notification
of tweets).


Hamish Harvey
Research Associate, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences,
Newcastle University

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