[ec2] RFQ: Mailing lists proposal

Nicolas Barcet nick.barcet at canonical.com
Thu Mar 25 08:31:38 GMT 2010


We have been thinking about a couple improvements in the way that we
share information that we would like to propose to this community for

1/ Joining the ubuntu-ec2 and the ubuntu-cloud mailing lists
As both mailing list are fairly low in terms of traffic, and that the
Ubuntu strategy is clearly to allow simple use of images both on EC2 and
Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), we are considering merging the two
mailing lists into one -> ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com.  This would
mean moving all the member of this mailing to the ubuntu-cloud one in an
automated way which would have a side effect that people using rules to
sort their email would have to update their rule.

2/ cloud planet aggregator to mailing list notification
As we have been doing in the past for twitter, we are thinking about
using a bot to inform the (possibly unified) mailing list of any new
posts that appear on the cloud planet aggregator [1], as a summary plus
a link to the original posts.

[1] http://cloud.ubuntu.com

What do you think of these two proposals?  Thanks in advance for sharing
your thoughts with us.


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